Thursday, 4 July 2019

Rugby club

Leadership role Whats a leadership role. A leadership role is when you pick a job at your school when your a year six. what leadership roles are there? there are pe/pa which is sport person cheer person vice cheerperson and house caiptain and i got pe/pa.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019


For reading we did a country study and i did tonga because I
come from there. Here is a photo of it.

Ice Expirement

today we did an ice experiment. The ice experiment was where you got a bowl and My teacher gave me ice balls and salt and we put it on and then the teacher also put the dye on it then it cracked slightly. after that, we got to smash them. 

Egg Sitting

This week we have been doing egg sitting.  What is egg sitting? is when you babysit an egg. and name it and draw a face on it. my favourite thing about it is drawing the face.

Monday, 1 July 2019

Cross Country Eden Albert

A couple of weeks ago a small amount of. The running group went to cross country Eden Albert which is cross country but versing different schools.

My stingray for art

This week we've been working on Peter Gossage. I didn't do a Peter Gossage drawing only for my draft. For my real one, I did a Maori stingray.