Thursday, 5 September 2019


Last week was an assembly I was a rugby player our assembly was about not judging people what they look like and their stereotypes. And we sang a song about individuality.

My sun poem

This week we made a sun poem first we had to write down all of the things that looked like the sun and adjectives and doing words. Here is my poem.

The sun is a smiley face making everybody happy.
Glowing like fire.
It's hot lava raining from the sky
Sizzling your eyes when you look up.

The sun is a blazing gold bar
Shining in the air.
It is a lightbulb
Turning off at night.`

and as hot as mars
and when you wake up
it's a lightbulb turning on.

Marae trip

This year we went to the Marae. It was so fun I was calling the haka. We had morning tea I had 6 biscuits 7 oranges 2 hot chocolates and that was it. I enjoyed the marae trip because I was leading the haka.

Friday, 30 August 2019

Janet Hunt

Janet Hunt is a book writer. She came to our school for the Storylines tour. She wrote about birds and about sea animals. She told us about this bird kea that broke his leg and went to the vet shop in he had a room and then they let him go. I liked the visit because it was an interesting story about my favourite bird the kea.

Thursday, 22 August 2019


last week we did stereotypes for each person everybody got to have stereotypes. my stereotype was an athletic artist. I was also so happy that I got. 


Every Monday we have pumanawa I'm doing cartooning and drawings. I have done a lot of drawings including avengers fortnite and rappers. 


Thursday, 8 August 2019

Make Your Own Recipe

1 cup of milk
3 oysters
8 avocadoes
8 snakes
Black icing
200L of sprite
Three bags of m’ms 
Cow fat
Chicken breast
100 sausages

Step 1 get a bowl put 1 cup of milk in it.
Step 2 then open three oyster's and put them in the bowl.
Step 3 cut the 8 avocadoes then mash it up. 
Step 4 chop up 8 snakes and peel the skin.
Step 5 put the cake in the oven for 10 15 minutes.
Step 6 stir the mixture then put it in the oven
Step 7 take it out of the oven then eat it.

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Rugby club

Leadership role Whats a leadership role. A leadership role is when you pick a job at your school when your a year six. what leadership roles are there? there are pe/pa which is sport person cheer person vice cheerperson and house caiptain and i got pe/pa.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019


For reading we did a country study and i did tonga because I
come from there. Here is a photo of it.

Ice Expirement

today we did an ice experiment. The ice experiment was where you got a bowl and My teacher gave me ice balls and salt and we put it on and then the teacher also put the dye on it then it cracked slightly. after that, we got to smash them. 

Egg Sitting

This week we have been doing egg sitting.  What is egg sitting? is when you babysit an egg. and name it and draw a face on it. my favourite thing about it is drawing the face.

Monday, 1 July 2019

Cross Country Eden Albert

A couple of weeks ago a small amount of. The running group went to cross country Eden Albert which is cross country but versing different schools.

My stingray for art

This week we've been working on Peter Gossage. I didn't do a Peter Gossage drawing only for my draft. For my real one, I did a Maori stingray.   

Friday, 14 June 2019


On the last few weeks we've been studying on these country's I did TONGA. Cause that's were i come from. My village is NUKUNUKU.

Book fair

Today was book week were you had to dress as a character from a book. I dressed up as rugger from the all blacks mascot. As you can notice that i'm wearing dreadlocks.

Cross Country

Two weeks ago we had cross country. If you don't know what cross country is cross country is a big run My Favorite part is the last lap that's when go hard. That's when I came 2nd.

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

3d triangle

During R.E we made tetrahedron (3d triangle). there were 3 sides you had to write 3 holy meanings I did Hope, Love and Faith.

Monday, 13 May 2019

Anzac Topic

Last week we were working on our Anzac pamphlets on a image that we had of chosen. I got the mother of empire which is a badge. 

Tuesday, 2 April 2019


For reading we had to pick an animal to learn about. I did a hedgehog because they're so cute. Here are some facts. Click the picture to see closer. I liked making this poster because i love hedgehogs.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

My Australian animal slide

 For the last past few weeks I have been working on a slide about Australian animals. Here's a few facts on the slide. I choose this topic because I love Australian animals. I did this slideshow for fun with my friend.

Tuesday, 26 March 2019


For the past few weeks we have been learning to write poems. The objects were a ship in a bottle, pink teddy bear, spider, puzzle piece, lady, gem, coin, skeleton key, dinosaur, rock, chess piece and a compass that was all of the objects i did pink teddy bear.  

Friday, 15 March 2019


Two weeks ago our teacher showed us a reading website for kids called Epic. So far I've read 65 books and the whole class has read 700 hundred books in total. Here is a link Why I like Reading books on Epic? Because they've got my favourite books on it  like  Nellie nut graph, Sharks and more.

Image result for epic

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Giving up Something

For Lent everybody in my class room gave up something I gave up YouTube. But I can only use it in class. Why I gave up YouTube I gave up YouTube because I watch it like everyday after school. 

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Shrove tuesday

On Tuesday 5th of march it was Shrove Tuesday. So we came over to room 1 and made pancakes. And in the morning we burned the palms for ash Wedensday for the 6th of march.

Friday, 1 March 2019

Lent page

Today we did a Lent page we had to brainstorm ideas that you thought what it meant. I did Jesus dying on the cross but on lent he was just getting arrested. and I also did more. And it also means a time of preparation.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

My Pepeha

Last week we did our Pepeha here is my own Pepeha.

Ko Puketapapa  
Ko Te Moana Nui-Kiwa tōku moana
Ko Tongan/Maori
Nō   Tamaki Makaurau tōku ahau
Ko Te Hepara Pai tōku ahau

Ko Debbie tōku  mama
Ko Paul tōku  papa


Last week for reading our teacher showed us a new video game. It was called Epic. Epic is a reading website. I've read 30 books since last week. You also sometimes get achievements they are virtual trophies. Some of the books that I've read are Nellie Nut-Graph and fishing books (sharks).

Tuesday, 19 February 2019


Last week we did maths of course and our teacher showed us a video game called prodigy. I played prodigy last year because I was in her class last year so I had my same account so i'm level 65. my pets are Ashlet and River Neek Ashlet is fire type and River Neek is water type

Friday, 8 February 2019


This week we did a puzzle. But we made it to show the whole class. I made one piece. I did a Tongan flag and my name and it's half coloured in red on one side and blue on the other. I showed my favourite thing to do which is to bike 24/7. Then my teacher stuck it together on the wall.