I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 5 and my Teacher is Mrs Drummond.
Monday, 10 December 2018
A human Cannonball BOOM!
Today in class we had to pick a job for reading. The salary was $700 a day, The job is in Auckland, And to do this job you need t be brave. Apply Now Come On Men.
Top Secret Sherbet
Today we made sherbet. For science. Our teacher made us eat every ingredient the ingredients was Icing Sugar, Baking Soda, Citric Acid, and Tartaric. Acid. My favorite ingredient was Icing Sugar because it was really sweet. Our best sherbet was really good it was so foamy inside our mouth
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Sport's Assembly
On Friday we had our sports assembly. It was so long they let us out at 3:20. I got some certificates for the nine year olds. I got 1st in high jump 1st in long jump and 3rd in shot put. The activities were long jump discis high jump softball throw and 100m 200m 300m and 800m
Are the Blues better or the chiefs
“Chiefs are better” no “Blues are better” Well today we are going to find out which team is better Blues or Chiefs. Well in my opinion chiefs are better because they've got Damian Mckenzie and he’s are really good player he’s scored more than 50 tries at least. He’s first five that means he’s always got the ball.
Now let’s get onto the Blues I think the Blues are good but not better than the chiefs even though that they have Rieko Ioane and Did you know that Rieko Ioane is the fastest rugby player in fact it was on NZ Herald. Rieko Ioane is winger that’s how all of the try’s get scored.
Firstly the chiefs have only won this year 11 and they've beat the Blues 2 times. The chiefs have versed the Bulls, Blues, Hurricanes, Highlanders, And the Reds and so many more and I got to tell you the Hurricanes are really good. And did you know their formally known for the waikato chiefs. Know we should go onto the blues.
Secondly I know the Blues. how many games have the blues won. Well I’m gonna guess about 10 well let’s see. They have won 4 games wow that’s not even close to how many the Hurricanes won. They have won 12 games like what the heck. In saying of the Hurricanes they have beat the blues and the chiefs.
thirdly I like the Blues but. Clearly the chief’s are better like even search it up bros. Like look at my facts come on chief’s are better yeah i know so know we know that the chiefs are better.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Jessy Tree
On Monday the 26th the year 5s went to go learn about the Jessy tree we had to glue the pictures and then write the thing that matches it. Like the apple represents the Adam and Eve story.
Kapa Haka
For weeks and days the years 5 and 6 have been practicing for the cutrual festival. We sang we did a haka the songs that we did was called (songs) E te aroha, Hareruia, and antoher one and a haka called teka tono.
Monday, 26 November 2018
Poster for Lyrics
Today for topic I finally finished my passport activity. It was worth 50 points. In total I have 175 points and then I need 25 more. The activity was make a poster for some lyrics of a song. I did always be kiwi. The piece of lyrics of it was "we won the cup again big smile on my face."
Friday, 23 November 2018
St Peters College Orchestra
On Wednesday the 21st of November St Peters came to our school to play some of there music. When I entered the hall I saw some people that had went to Good Shepherd. There were so many instruments like Violin, Trumpet, Saxophone, Drums and more. My favorite song was this Horror song.
Band Cover For Topic
For topic you get this passport. It's not actually a travel passport, it's a passport full of activities. Every activity is worth points. I did one and it was make a band cover. I did a band called Stay Strong. It was worth 40 points. It was really cool, I drew a fist and the title. Here's a picture above.
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
Bird Beak Experiment
Today in class we did an Science experiment. We had different types of tweezers that looked like bird beaks. You were divided in a group there were four people in the groups in my group there was Max, Xavier.p, Peter, Henry and me. There were skittles and gummy worms you had to get the tweezers and poke the gummy worm or try pick them up. At the end we got to eat the rest.
Thursday, 15 November 2018
High Jump
On Friday we did the 9 year old high jump the boys went first which was me. I was up against Aidan.h
Justin Xavier.f Xavier.p and alot more people we started with 95 cm then i made it then people got eliminated and it was up to the last 3 Xavier.p he got eliminated then Aidan.h got elimanted and then i won.
Justin Xavier.f Xavier.p and alot more people we started with 95 cm then i made it then people got eliminated and it was up to the last 3 Xavier.p he got eliminated then Aidan.h got elimanted and then i won.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Today the whole school did athletics. The little kids went to the field events. The big kids we had 800 m 400 m 200 m and 100 m and more i came 2nd in 200 m and in the field events their were long jump, high jump, discs, shot put I came 2nd high jump i came 1st. At the end we had the relay's for the girl's Blake came 1st and in the boys Cowley came first. My favorite one was the high jump because it was more harder.
Friday, 9 November 2018
For two days we have been working on comics with Mr Drummond. He is literally the best artist. He painted the best owl with goggles. You got to make your own character. My character was called Super Horse Face Guy. I found making comics really interesting and fun because they were short and funny.
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Ministry of Education test
Today all of the Year Fives went to do a Ministry of Education test. It's a math and science test. We had 36 minutes to do paragraph 1 and for paragraph 2 we also had 36 minutes. If you finished early you read a book. We got a pen and a certificate when we were done. I think it went pretty well.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Kia Kaha - that means stay strong. Today we made shields about our class and us. For our class I put Everybody's funny, we all care for people, we are all sporty and we are all friends. For me I put that I look different and I love rugby and I'm Tongan and Maori.
Friday, 26 October 2018
St John the Baptist
Today we learned and rite some facts about a saint. My saint that i chose is St John the baptist. He's patron saint of baptism. his birth date was Monday 24th June. his birth place is Herodian Kingdom(Israel). his feast day is Monday 24th June. I like st john the baptist because he baptised people.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Bike Safety!
Today BIGFOOT Adventures came over and taught us some bike skills. We checked our helmets to see if they were A okay because if they were loose they would fall off. We had to bring our bikes but if your one was broken then you could borrow one of theirs as you can see in the photo i'm wearing a BIGFOOT bike and helmet. I learned that you should wear covered shoes when biking so your feet don't get caught in the spokes.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Cultural Quiz
This week was cultural week. The seniors had a quiz and the Sheridan had a coloring competition. I am a year 5 which means I am in the seniors quiz. The teams names where country's i was in the Samoan team in my group there was Eva, Jai, Faith and me. We came 4th place which is pretty good.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Cultrual Peformances
Today we went to the Hall to see some Cultural Performances. We had Mangauwhau School who came in and showed us their groups. There was Kapa Haka group anf Pacific Drumming group. I really liked their Pacific Drumming group because they had good rythem.
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
My Cross
The past six weeks we have been working on our crosses. when we are finished we are going to hang them all around the whole school. On my cross I've got a rainbow on the top, a Tongan flag in the middle on both sides. Well on the left iv'e got TON and then on the right i have GAN which spells Tongan and that's the part of the world where I come from.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Cultural Week
This week Is Cultural week. I'm in Room 5 learning French. Here are the colors in English translated into French.
I also now know how to count in french One to Ten.
I also now know how to count in french One to Ten.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Social Justice Week
This week was Social Justice Week.Well did you know that every year the bishops go aside and celebrate Social Justice Week. Did my classroom celebrate? Well my whole classroom made a feather cloak that had celebrated Social Justice Week. Each feather had an important word on it. My feather said 'RESPECT'.
Monday, 17 September 2018
My Baby Brothers Birthday
On Saturday it was my baby brother's birthday. His name is Hopoate. We got him a mini basketball hoop and a mini basketball for the hoop. We made him a basketball cake and we made the lines of the basketball out of black licorice. The cake was vanilla-flavoured and we had a BBQ.
Catholic Schools Cross Country
On Tuesday it was the catholic schools cross country it was at Monte Celia park. There was this big hill i'm not joking it was called killer hill i ran up it three times i also came 24th place out of 80 people which is pretty good. there was 3 people in my race from my school i came 2nd out of my school cross country.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Raymond Huber
Today we had a author come in to talk to us about bee's and science. His name was Raymond Huber. His bee Books are Sting, The flight of the Honey Bee, Gecko and Wings and a lot more. He also taught us a song called "my friend telephone".
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
And if your wondering what MATE MA'A TONGA means, it means die for Tonga. This week was Tongan language week. I went back in may memory and went to the RWLC which means Rugby World League Cup. These are the games that I watched: Tonga v Warriors and Tonga v Samoa. Tonga beat the warriors and the Samoans so they were in the finals and this was it the last two finalist face off and the one and only champions of the rugby world league cup is England sad that Tonga lost but we were still strong.
And if your wondering what MATE MA'A TONGA means, it means die for Tonga. This week was Tongan language week. I went back in may memory and went to the RWLC which means Rugby World League Cup. These are the games that I watched: Tonga v Warriors and Tonga v Samoa. Tonga beat the warriors and the Samoans so they were in the finals and this was it the last two finalist face off and the one and only champions of the rugby world league cup is England sad that Tonga lost but we were still strong.
Monday, 10 September 2018
Our Hauora hands
Today we made HAUORA hands. What does it mean? It means how many people can help you when you need it. These are the people who can help me: a Professional, Pet, family, Doctor, Friends. Who can help you?

Friday, 7 September 2018
Today our teacher gave us this new math game called Prodigy it helps us do maths. How does it work well fist you log in of course then pick name my name is Stephen Starhand and then you battle someone and to attack you need to answer a math question. i gave you a login photo and me playing.
Komodo Dragons
Today I did a slideshow about komodo dragons. It took me about two days. I picked this topic because it is my favorite reptile and in the slide I explain that there is only 5 thousand left.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
My Eden Rugby Prize Giving 2018
On Saturday the 2nd of September we had our Eden Rugby prize giving. I play for under 10 Eden Falcons. For our grade their was Most Improved Player 2018, Sportsperson of the Year 2018 and Player of the Year 2018. Most Improved Player in my team was Xavier R.G, Sportsperson of the Year was me Po'oi Kaho and Player of the Year was Dylan Yare. So it turned out i got a trophy of most sportsperson.
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Grandparents Day
Today it was grandparents day at 9:30 we had to head to the hall for mass. After that we at some yummy delicious food oh an we also had a BBQ i had x2 sausages 1 caramel slice i had a lollie muffin and that is all i had for the day. My Nana and Grandad came from up north to come to the grandparents day.
Friday, 31 August 2018
The Mini BB Fair

Abraham And Sarah
Today for R.E lesson we did a slideshow about Abraham and Sarah. So how we did that was we split in half of the class room and the other half did a play about Abraham and Sarah.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
The Black Panther
What’s the scariest cat in the jungle? It’s a black panther of course!
What the black panther looks like:
The black panther is black. They have big hunting teeth. They have big wide scary whiskers. There are many types of panthers like white panther, jaguar, leopards and many more. The black panther lives in beautiful tropical rainforests in southeast Asia and America.
The diet of the black panther:
What does the black panther eat they say that they eat herbivores like antelope, deer, wild hogs, and wild boar. Now you guys know what the black panther diet is. So that means that it is a carnivore and it is a cat.
The habitat about the black panther:
Where do black panthers live? Well they live in dense, tropical rainforests and south and Southeast Asia. You can see them the most in southwest China, Burma, Nepal, southern Indian, Indenasion and the south part of Malaysia.
The lifecycle of a black panther:
The lifecycle of a black panther:
A female gives born to the litter and when they live to 2 years old they are independent and the male stays around for most of their whole lives.
In conclusion, panthers are my favourite animal and I hope you liked learning about them.
Friday, 24 August 2018
Today we did a slide show about the Turtles Of Namuana me and my partner Henry.
Friday, 10 August 2018
Today at Good Shepherd School we celebrated Saint Mary Mackillop's birthday. We did slide shows, mass and all other celebrations. My Colours I stuck on my Mary Mackillop was red, orange, yellow, green, light blue and dark blue as you can see.
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Today for science we had 4 containers filled with different types of colors. We as a class wanted to see which ones would absorb more water, the wet ones or the dry ones. So we came back after lunch and the dry ones absorbed more so that was our lesson for science.
Thursday, 2 August 2018
Sketch Pad is what we use for our book reviews my book review is on Star Wars the bloodline it was really interesting.
Today we did a billboard for a myth about Fakaofo trying to steal Nemoanas fresh water from the ocean. take a look on my one.
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Today we learned about how animals are classsified into groups. Animals are either vetrerbrates (which means they have a spine) or inveterbrates (which don't have a spine)
Inveterbrates are animals like jellyfish, crabs, insects and octupus
Inveterbrates are animals like jellyfish, crabs, insects and octupus
Verterbrates are put into five groups. They are mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians Mammals have fur or hair ang give birth to live young . birds have feathers and lay hard eggs. rerptiles are cold blooded and lay soft eggs . amphbians breath through their skin and need to keep their skin moist. fish breath through gills and have fins.
5 examples of each type
MAMMALS: Tiger, Cow, Bull, Spider Monkey, Pig
BIRDS: Trumpeter, Puffin, Crane, Frog mouth, Bee-Eater
REPTILES: Crocodile, Turtle, Tuatara, Lizard, Komodo dragon
AMPHIBIANS: Frog, Salamander, Caecilian, Toads, Newts.
FISH: Guppy, Goldfish, Zander, Shark, Megalodon
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
Monday, 2 July 2018
Book Review

Thursday, 28 June 2018
Ode to Pizza
my ode to my pizza
To Pizza
I like the hot spicy pepperoni on you.
You seemed to be as if you had just came from the sun.
You're a slice of awesomeness.
You give me a high five
I like the hot spicy pepperoni on you.
You seemed to be as if you had just came from the sun.
You're a slice of awesomeness.
You give me a high five
Monday, 25 June 2018
Science Roadshow
This week it was production week every body dressed up as something room 1,2 is Teddy bears room 3 fairies room 4 transformers 5 barbies/kens room 6 Rubik cubes room 7 trolls room 8 Lego room 9 kiwis. I was one of the leads I was Tiki.
These are Tikis. I really enjoyed it I learnt who to talk with expression.

Friday, 22 June 2018
Book Week
This week is Book Week. Today we are dressing up as our favourite book characters. If you noticed I am Ma'a Nono from Ruggers Tales. I chose Ma'a Nono because he is my favourite rugby player as well as Reiko Ianoe, Damian Mckenzie. Those are all of my favourite rugby players and this is a photo of Ma'a Nono.
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
Suzane Aubert's birthday
As you can see this week was Suzane Aubert's birthday. But she has passed away which is very sad but we still celebrate. My whole class made a flower to celebrate. My flower is the one above the word 'whanau'.
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Jesus's Saving Work
Today for R.E we did a poster. The people in my group were Seihara, Joey (whos hiding his face) and Kiara. We did our poster about forgiveness. We picked the topic and we did a quote and a border. Everybody else did a mime or dance but we did a poster.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Cross Country!!!

Thursday, 31 May 2018
Poster about Samoa!!!
This week it is Samoan Language Week. We did a poster about Samoa. Here is my awesome Samoa poster. I learnt that there are 9 islands in Samoa and the population is 197,695.
Monday, 28 May 2018
How does a walkie-talkie work
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Roll an Answer
Today in Maths we played a game called Roll an Answer. It tests the skills we have learned this year like rounding, place value, addition and subtraction. My group did a board about size of numbers.
For reading,we have been practicing our research skills. I chose to study Mexico. Here is my research.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Senses poem
The Freaky Storm!
I hear the scary thunder.
I taste the delicious dinner I had.
I smell my yummy ice cream I had.
I touch my soft blanket sleep on,
I fell excited.
I fell excited.
Monday, 9 April 2018
The Zombies
It was another day in awesomeness science lab discovery they were they got a dna sample of a skull but then the ground was erupting the scientist cole and zane looked outside and…
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh zombies run, kill them.
“No, we need to find out how to make the zombies go back to where they came from” he said
“Maybe we should follow the humongous hole they dug.”
“We better get some water, okay this is going to be very very scary now”.
“If we get captured we should draw our bb guns out and shoot”.
“Okay it is very dark, but we're almost there. We’re getting attacked oh no he said they're going to eat our brains oh no Zane we need to get out of here run run faster than a cheetah. Okay let’s get our super Jetpack. and boom now let’s see what clouds taste like iiiiiiiiiiii mmmmmmmmm nice that taste like candy floss. now let’s go to bed for the next day. were we go to the science lab to discover. where they live okay good night.
“Good morning Zane good morning Cole” he said.
“Ready let’s have breakfast and go to the science lab get the Dna machine” “and the potion let’s go mix them together and put it on the Dna sample”
“Okay there living at beam bam st okay Cole let’s go.”
“Okay very bright Cole” yeah it’s very bright”. But before you do that do this he said.
Let’s go get some glasses. now mix the purple and pink mixture together. then that should do the trick. And ka-boom done. now spread it all over the skull. but not the creepy looking eyes. Now let’s go. straight left straight then left then right turn around the second corner. now were here. Okay Zane i think i know why they live here because no human people live here. No we forgot to get our bb guns nnnnnnnn ooooooooooooo that was our only weapon so if we get attacked then we sprint like Usain bolt like that will ever happen ppp fff like you can okay we just need one more dna sample then we are finished okay now we need to get an eyeball eeeeeeeeeeeee wwww yuck! I know right that’s why we have this jar okay now we just need to knock on the door knock knock knock any zombies
their were getting attacked Let’s sprint run noooooooo we need to get back to the science lab before they eat our brain’s know i now how to destroy zombies by music speaking by music karaoke know go outside and sing omg i am so bad at singing karaoke wwoo wwoo now let’s tear their brains apart www ooooooooooooo we destroyed them. the end
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh zombies run, kill them.
“No, we need to find out how to make the zombies go back to where they came from” he said
“Maybe we should follow the humongous hole they dug.”
“We better get some water, okay this is going to be very very scary now”.
“If we get captured we should draw our bb guns out and shoot”.
“Okay it is very dark, but we're almost there. We’re getting attacked oh no he said they're going to eat our brains oh no Zane we need to get out of here run run faster than a cheetah. Okay let’s get our super Jetpack. and boom now let’s see what clouds taste like iiiiiiiiiiii mmmmmmmmm nice that taste like candy floss. now let’s go to bed for the next day. were we go to the science lab to discover. where they live okay good night.
“Good morning Zane good morning Cole” he said.
“Ready let’s have breakfast and go to the science lab get the Dna machine” “and the potion let’s go mix them together and put it on the Dna sample”
“Okay there living at beam bam st okay Cole let’s go.”
“Okay very bright Cole” yeah it’s very bright”. But before you do that do this he said.
Let’s go get some glasses. now mix the purple and pink mixture together. then that should do the trick. And ka-boom done. now spread it all over the skull. but not the creepy looking eyes. Now let’s go. straight left straight then left then right turn around the second corner. now were here. Okay Zane i think i know why they live here because no human people live here. No we forgot to get our bb guns nnnnnnnn ooooooooooooo that was our only weapon so if we get attacked then we sprint like Usain bolt like that will ever happen ppp fff like you can okay we just need one more dna sample then we are finished okay now we need to get an eyeball eeeeeeeeeeeee wwww yuck! I know right that’s why we have this jar okay now we just need to knock on the door knock knock knock any zombies
their were getting attacked Let’s sprint run noooooooo we need to get back to the science lab before they eat our brain’s know i now how to destroy zombies by music speaking by music karaoke know go outside and sing omg i am so bad at singing karaoke wwoo wwoo now let’s tear their brains apart www ooooooooooooo we destroyed them. the end
Friday, 30 March 2018
Wednesday, 28 March 2018
FISHING at Totara North
Totara North Lake was usual enough.
It had kayaks, jet skis, RC boats, seaweed, and lots of fish. My family and I did what families do - went fishing, driving our speedy RC boat, watched people on the flash jet skis, swam in the warm water, and ate our yummy fish and chips.
Doing nothing important, just chilling out and relaxing.
It had kayaks, jet skis, RC boats, seaweed, and lots of fish. My family and I did what families do - went fishing, driving our speedy RC boat, watched people on the flash jet skis, swam in the warm water, and ate our yummy fish and chips.
Doing nothing important, just chilling out and relaxing.
Thursday, 15 March 2018
Wednesday, 28 February 2018
My Favourite Sport
my favourite sport...
My favourite sport is rugby.
There is all types of rugby.
My favourite sport is rugby.
There is all types of rugby.
Touch, rippa, league and tackle.
My favourite rugby team is the Blues.
My favourite rugby team is the Blues.
Friday, 16 February 2018
Hi my name is Po'oi and I like athletics, cross country and sport
and my favourite food is pizza. I go to touch every Wednesday and go swimming every Thursday. the sports i play are flipa ball, and rugby.
Oh, and I'm very awesome!
Oh, and I'm very awesome!
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